
O hey! Welcome to my travel blog, 'Cara's Up, Up and Away!' One of my great loves in life is travel. In my blog, I will write about my adventures here, there and everywhere! 'Up, up and away' is my Dad's favourite saying. He excitedly shouts this out any time a trip is imminent. It is a phrase that I always associate with happy memories so it is very appropriate to name this blog after Dad's catchphrase.

I hope you enjoy my blog.

Cara x

Places I've Been

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Fasten Your Seat Belts Please...

How many times have you sat on a plane and listened to the air hostess say this in her non regional accent? You take in a deep breath of pressurised cabin air as you place the metal buckle into the holder. Your hands are trembling slightly with trepidation and excitement of the imminent journey (but if we're honest there's a little bit of fear that the buckle won't click into place after that hurried bacon sandwich in the departure lounge). 

It is this feeling that has inspired me to write this blog... Apologies if you think this is going to be a blog detailing a painstakingly planned out and rigorously adhered to dieting schedule. No, this page hopes to discuss some of the places I've experienced, offer advice if I can and laugh at the ridiculous things that can happen when you travel. Most importantly I hope that this blog inspires people with the same passion that told this little girl that when she grew up she would see they world. 

Off to London with my old travel buddy May May!


  1. A cute, will you look at that...

  2. so glad ive found your blog. your mom told me about it when we were in capadoccia. say hi from me x
