
O hey! Welcome to my travel blog, 'Cara's Up, Up and Away!' One of my great loves in life is travel. In my blog, I will write about my adventures here, there and everywhere! 'Up, up and away' is my Dad's favourite saying. He excitedly shouts this out any time a trip is imminent. It is a phrase that I always associate with happy memories so it is very appropriate to name this blog after Dad's catchphrase.

I hope you enjoy my blog.

Cara x

Places I've Been

Monday, 24 February 2014

Travel Essential... Tiger Balm

People have often commented that when I go on holiday, I'm like a travelling pharmacy. There's nothing as bad feeling unwell and not having the right medication when you're travelling.
One item that I really can not live without with when I travel is my little pot of Tiger Balm. I discovered it when I lived in Bahrain and I can not remember what life was like before it.
I won't lie to you, it smells like jelly cola bottles and it will make your eyes water but you have no idea how many times this tiny jar of orange balm has come to my rescue. And it can be purchased very cheaply!
Tiger Balm can give relief from those pesky itchy mosquito bites. While it doesn't repel the insects, it does help sooth your incessant need to scratch! I also use Tiger Balm to get rid of spots. I put it on my temples, if for head ache relief and on my nose if it is blocked. You can even put it on your stomach if it is painful and cramping. Surely, that cuts down on some of the remedies you need to squeeze into your back pack?
A word of caution, however! Keep it well away from raw/ broken skin as, believe me, this is excruciating!
#travelblogger #travelessential #tigerbalm #itchy #mosquitoes

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